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BIM-VDC Roles and Compensation Survey

Posted on
April 27, 2022
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Industry Challenge

At present, there is limited information available to BIM professionals in Canada on compensation for the various roles that exist within the industry. The information that is available is not specific, and in some instances is inaccurate.

Purpose/Goal of Task

The purpose of the Roles and Compensation Survey is to provide greater awareness of how factors such as experience, geographic location, education, certifications, and types of projects across each discipline influence an individual’s total compensation. The data collected by the survey aims to help companies establish fair and equitable salaries for BIM professionals working within Canada.

Participating Think Tanks


As a member of Building Transformations (previously CanBIM), we would like to invite you to complete the following short questionnaire. Findings from it will be used to help companies establish fair and equitable salaries for BIM professionals working within Canada. Your knowledge and experience is an important part of this process. This questionnaire was developed by the Building Transformations Board of Directors working in conjunction with the Building Transformations Technology & Process Think Tank.

This questionnaire should take you approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Purpose of this Questionnaire

This questionnaire invites selected BIM professionals to provide their thoughts, knowledge, and insight on their role, responsibilities, and compensation package. Questions are therefore specifically designed to capture opinions/viewpoints from BIM professionals. Findings will be used to develop a compensation guide by the second quarter of 2022.

Participation and Withdrawal

Participation in this survey is purely voluntary. It is your choice to be part of the survey. If you decide to be part of the survey, you can decide to stop (withdraw), at any time, even after giving consent or part-way through the study. If you decide to withdraw, there will be no consequences to you. Information provided up to the point where you withdraw will be kept unless you request that it is removed.


Data captured in this research will not specifically be used to identify you or your organization. Data will be compiled and analyzed independently of any contact or company information provided. All electronic data will be kept on a computer protected by passwords, encryption, and firewalls - where only the Building Transformations Technology & Process Think Tank and staff will have access to this data. Once this survey has been completed, data will be archived and deleted following publication (typically within 5 years). [BS1]

Questions about the Study

If you have questions or need more information about the survey itself, please contact Gerry Lattmann, glattmann@canbim.com or Ryan Zantinge, rzantinge@canbim.com.

[BS1] These statements are necessary for ethical and confidentiality reasons. We need to make sure that the survey is built in-line with these statements. If it isn’t, we need to change this section of the preamble.

Task Group


Tannis Liviniuk

President - Trillium Advisory Group

Reed Munro

Digital Construction Manager, Buildings West - Bird Construction

Ryan Zantinge

VDC Manager, East - Chandos


Marcellus Gotell

VDC Coordinator - EllisDon

Kate Kirwan

Senior Technical Product Manager - Unity

David Thompson

Digital Consultant - Turner & Townsend