
WSP’s Digital Solutions team developed and implemented a scalable Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD) Plan. The aim is to assist teams in streamlining project deliverables, improving efficiencies, and enhancing collaboration. This is achieved through a blend of digital technologies, custom tools, and strategic guidelines.


The Digital Solutions team had been brought in to advise on several large-scale projects within the WSP Property & Buildings sector, all of which had different external consultants, contractors, and clients. Each of these projects included the requirement for a significant amount of data to be integrated into the deliverables. The team needed to identify what the realistic end goals were for each project, the current capabilities of the teams, and how we could efficiently deliver the projects. Once that occurred for each project, they needed to identify similarities to ensure each project could be tackled in a similar manner, further enhancing efficiencies, and providing consistency in which a project was developed and delivered.

While those projects were the immediate concern, the chances of future projects with similar requirements coming in was high. The Digital Solutions team realized that a more sustainable approach was needed to continue delivering quality projects. To achieve this, we determined an Integrated Digital Delivery Plan was required.


Faced with the challenge of fragmented project delivery methods and a myriad of standalone design templates and tools, WSP and its Digital Solutions team recognized that reinvention wasn't necessary; evolution was. We already had various design templates, tools, standards, and a well-defined roadmap for future implementations. The primary challenge lay in connecting these disparate elements into a cohesive, unified plan.

Our solution, therefore, focused on evolving our existing assets into an Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD) Plan that emphasizes the power of connected data. This approach has allowed us to create an innovative, streamlined protocol for project delivery that not only organizes these various tools but also enhances the efficiency and quality of our projects. By focusing on connected data, we've established a 'single source of truth,' which improves both internal and external collaboration and makes data management more efficient.

The IDD Plan is engineered for scalability, catering to projects of varying complexities – from small-scale renovations to large infrastructure projects. This scalability is primarily enabled by digital technologies that facilitate the easy creation and sharing of data across all phases and disciplines. In essence, our IDD Plan is more than just a set of guidelines; it's a versatile framework that adjusts to various project types. As the data requirements for projects continue to grow, this plan simplifies workflows and enhances the quality of our deliverables.

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